When my friend Lisa Dixon Jones invited me to join her Planksgiving Challenge to strengthen my physical core, I thought, Why not? I’m always up for a good challenge – even at my age! However, let me tell you, gravity, and I are old acquaintances, and it has taken its...
Finding Joy in the Waiting Room of Life
Over the years, I’ve discovered that joy doesn’t have to disappear when we’re in those ‘in-between’ moments. In fact, some of the deepest joy can come when we learn to wait well.
The What Ifs
My husband has been gone for several years, yet at times, grief washes over me like the ocean’s waves – especially when I see a couple strolling in the park or entering the theater hand-in-hand. These scenes are certain reminders that my cherished memories remain, but...
That Beautiful Name
Once upon a time my Momma directed our church pageants. While going through her papers, I discovered she left me with many pages of scripts, notes, and music for performing the Christmas story. I've chosen 12 of those beloved songs and written Unwrapping Christmas:...
Hope For The Grieving Heart
Recently, a dear friend died—very suddenly, completely unexpectedly. Only days before, we had rambled through her flower beds, rich in lush color, while we enjoyed the sounds of life on her farm – birds chirping, horses running, donkeys braying, tractors chugging,...