Articles from Jackie

Here you’ll find encouragement, sage advice, and godly counsel I wish I’d had while going through the difficult seasons of life.

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That Beautiful Name

That Beautiful Name

Once upon a time my Momma directed our church pageants. While going through her papers, I discovered she left me with many pages of scripts, notes, and music for performing the Christmas story. I've chosen 12 of those beloved songs and written Unwrapping Christmas:...

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My husband died from the aftereffects of Agent Orange and his years in the military. He fought glioblastoma with every ounce of his being—and mine. The fight gave us seven years together beyond the doctors’ prognoses. When we humans find ourselves in crisis...

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Caregiving. It's a HUGE job. You’re offering medical/emotional/spiritual/physical aid and assistance, reassurance, and rehabilitation, often for someone you love: a child, parents, a spouse, or a friend. Caregiving is demanding, physically and emotionally draining,...

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I stepped into the gym. New faces. New places. “You can do this,” I said to myself and put a smile on my face. No matter my age, I still fear the unknown, especially when I face the unknown alone. But the faces were all friendly, the players all appeared to be having...

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