Book Giveaway- January 2023


January 24, 2023

Friends, I love to share; that’s what I do best…and that’s why I wanted to host this giveaway.

The giveaway includes three excellent books written by some friends that have encouraged me on my grief journey.

Lisa Appelo, author of LIFE CAN BE GOOD AGAIN, PUTTING YOUR WORLD BACK TOGETHER AFTER IT ALL FALLS APART, writes about the raw emotions and uncertainty that come when everything falls apart. “Lisa went to bed, married, and woke up a widow and single mom to seven children. Lisa guides us in tender, intentional steps, and you’ll see that you will survive this and that life can be good again.”

Clarissa Moll, author of BEYOND THE DARKNESS, A GENTLE GUIDE FOR LIVING WITH GRIEF & THRIVING AFTER LOSS, is a widow whose husband died suddenly on a hiking trip. At the campsite, along with their four children, Clarissa hears the words no wife wants to hear, “he fell to his death.” Clarissa includes stories of loss and grief (including mine) in this honest, practical narrative. “Whether you’ve lost someone dear to you or you’re supporting a loved one as they mourn, you can learn to walk with grief. And as you do, you might be surprised to discover the path is wide enough for another companion, the Good Shepherd of your soul. Grief may walk with us for the rest of our lives, but Jesus will too.”

The third book in this giveaway is Suzanne Eller’s PRAYER STARTERS, TALKING WITH GOD ABOUT HARD TIMES. “In hard times, many of us shy away from God, not sure how to talk to him about what we’re feeling. Through her own battles, Suzie Eller has experienced the peace of knowing that prayer is not about the number of words that come out of your mouth or how eloquent you sound. It’s about being in God’s presence.”

Prayer is the thread woven throughout these women’s and my life as we journey through grief. You will hear more of my grief and caregiver’s journey during the coming months, but please, always remember, God, the source of all our hope, is just a whisper away.

Update: The giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to our winner- Marsanne Petty!

To enter, leave a comment on this post. Get extra entries by 1) signing up here for my email list (plus get 10 Verses to Help You Grow in Any Season), 2) sharing about the giveaway on social media (you can find an easy to share Facebook post on my page) and 3) forwarding this blog to a friend. Be sure to come back her to tell me after you do any of these.

I’ll randomly select one winner on February 1. (US addresses only.)

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  1. Such sweetness, Jackie! You certainly have a way with words. (I’m off of social media for a while.)

    • Marci, so glad you are receiving my emails. Please add your name to the list to win. All of these books and their authors are friends and colleagues of mine, and their words will bless you.

      Hope to see you and Paul soon.


  2. You have such a wonderful heart. Always willing to help others by sharing your own struggles. You are truly a blessing.

    • Johann, thank you for your kind words. Even in our grief, knowing the Lord as our Comforter makes every day a blessing. Please check these women’s work out. They have inspired and challenged me as I walk this grief journey.

      Perhaps you may win the book giveaway. Please pass this opportunity on to others. We are called to share what God has done and continues to do with others.

      Have a good day,


  3. Thank you for doing this giveaway. I was aware of Lisa’s book, but not the other two. The world just keeps moving forward and doesn’t give much room for grief. I’m so thankful for those that are sharing their stories of grief and how God has brought beauty for ashes. It gives me hope in the darkness.

    Sharing with a friend via email.

    • Truly the only hope we have is in Jesus. Thank you for sharing it with your friends.



  4. Always enjoy your postings

    • Delight, I am so happy to have you on this journey. Helping others discover where our hope lies in our struggles and sorrows (only in Christ) is what we are called to do. Thank you for spreading joy to everyone you meet.

      So happy to call you a sister in Christ,


  5. Thank you for your writing. Grief is consent since our Granddaughter Izzy passed in July at the age of 12. She fought every day to live but Osteosarcoma is a beast. Love is pain.Grief is love.

    • Mary Anne, I am sorry for your loss. That form of cancer is excruciating. I can’t imagine how you felt as a Grandma watching Izzy go through that. You never get over the death of someone you love; you walk through it daily with the grace and strength found only through Christ.

      I am praying for you today and your family.


  6. I’ve read Lisa’s book multiple times and have bought copies for other friends as well. God has led our family into and through a season of grief so we can be used by and for Him, to minister to others! So thankful for the resources available now ♥️

    • Lynn, Lisa’s book is a beautiful resource. When we met in 2019 at a Hope*Writers Conference, I knew it was God ordained. Her encouragement and prayer helped me initially deal with the loss of my mother. That journey culminated in a devotional based on the sheet music Momma played for me as a soloist: Keep a Song in Your Heart, Musical Notes for Daily Devotions. It was the first in a legacy project honoring my mother and glorifying our God.

      Writing and journaling have been so instrumental in my healing process.

      May you always find joy along your journey.


  7. Grieving the loss of our loved ones is so difficult but with our God’s loving grace, support of family and friends plus resources like your writings and books we can survive. They make traveling the grief journey easier. Thank you Jackie.

    • Aunt Mattie, you know all too well this walk through widowhood. You and Mom have given me and others examples of following God, even when it is hard. Thank you.

      Love ya,


  8. No one’s grief journey is like another’s. It’s a blessing to know and read others stories as they walked through it. Thank our Father for our hope in eternity and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

    • Lynette, you are so correct; there is no cookie-cutter for grief. Understanding how someone else may have traveled through their losses helps us recognize we are not alone on this path. And it is so reassuring to know that true comfort and hope comes from our Heavenly Father.

      May you always find joy along your journey.


  9. Great set of books!

    • Rebecca, yes, these resources provide hope and helpful ideas that have aided others on their grief journey.

      May you find joy along your journey.


  10. Thanks for the giveaway! I had heard about Lisa’s book. Shared on Facebook. Signing up for emails.

    • Julie, you will enjoy each of these authors’ work. Their lives intersect as either widows or someone who have lost someone they loved (most recently, in Suzie Eller’s case, her brother). I have benefited from reading their words as my grief journey includes widowhood and being an orphan.

      Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter; I plan to share much more concerning my grief journey.

      May you find joy along your journey.


  11. I shared in email and on twitter

    • Julie, thank you so very much for sharing my work.

      I am somewhat new to social media, and my editor says I must ask people to follow or like me! I told her, ‘this sounds like middle school all over again, and I didn’t do that well either, hahaha!’


  12. These sound absolutely amazing!

    • Candace, thank you for subscribing to my newsletter and signing up for the giveaway. My life mimics these women authors in so many ways. I hope you find hope and some joy in the words we write.

      Maybe you will win the giveaway!


  13. So glad to have found you through Lisa. Love what I’ve read so far. Signed up for your email list for more.

    • Marsanne, oh, I like you already if you are a friend of Lisa’s. Thanks for subscribing to my email list.

      May you always find joy along your journey.


  14. Appreciate you sharing these books. I am reading prayer starters by Suzanne Eller and it’s so good. Have never read the other two.

    • Debbie, I know you would enjoy all three books. The authors have an engaging style that draws you instantly into their story. Understanding others have traveled this journey of loss has helped me navigate my own.

      May you always find joy along your journey.


  15. My dad passed away in June after years of suffering with dementia We are all still working through this grief.

    • Staci, I am sorry for your loss. My father had dementia; it was a slow goodbye. I’m finding grief is a constant companion, yet knowing the grace and comfort received through Jesus Christ makes my journey easier.

      May you find joy along your journey.


  16. My husband passed away quite suddenly one year ago. I would love to have these books to help navigate my new normal.

    • Jacqueline, I am sorry to hear about your husband’s death. Working through grief is not an easy task and allowing ourselves time in the process is important. I do think these resources would be of help to you.

      I encourage you to remember, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life.” (Psalm 138:7) God is nearer than you think, you are never alone.

      Praying for you,

      Jackie Freeman

  17. I signed up for your email list and I shared your giveaway post on Facebook. I pray others might be encouraged, as well.

    • Jacqueline, I am delighted that you signed up to receive my emails. We will travel this widow’s journey together.

      Jackie Freeman

  18. I think these books sound perfect for my friend who just lost her husband unexpectedly. Thank you for offering hope to grieving families.

    • Risa, I am praying for your friend who recently lost her husband. It sounds like you are the perfect friend for her; sharing resources and hope with her during this season of her life is what we are called to do. Please let her know we grievers are never alone. God is a breath, a prayer away.

      May you find joy along your journey.

      Jackie Freeman